Warranty-on-everything-we-sell 3C Easy Markham

Warranty on everything we sell (Ver.1.0)

Replaced by Ver. 2.0 on Aug. 23rd, 2024

Important Notice: Warranty Disclaimer

Please note that the warranty provided by 3C-Easy Markham is NOT insurance. 3C-Easy Markham is NOT responsible for, nor liable for, any damages or consequences resulting from your actions.

Screens, Parts, and Batteries

  • Cracked Screens: Any screen damage, especially post-installation, is the result of abnormal physical stress, such as impact or excessive pressure, and is NOT covered under any warranty. Warranty coverage applies only if the screen is cracked during transportation and remains uninstalled.Smartphone repair

  • Aftermarket, Regular, OE-Used, Unmarked Quality Screens, Parts, and AmpSentrix Basic Batteries: We offer a 30-day limited item warranty and a 30-day limited workmanship warranty when installation is completed by 3C-Easy Markham.

  • Premium and Genuine Screens, Parts, and AmpSentrix Pro Batteries: These products are covered by a 90-day limited item warranty and a 90-day limited workmanship warranty if installation is performed by 3C-Easy Markham.

  • Premium Plus Screens: Covered by a 180-day item warranty and a 90-day limited workmanship warranty if installation is completed by 3C-Easy Markham.

All warranty claims must be accompanied by the original physical or digital receipt, with no exceptions.

Charger Plugs and Cables

A 90-day limited warranty against manufacturer defects is included and takes effect immediately upon purchase. All warranty claims must be accompanied by the original physical or digital receipt, with no exceptions.

Earphones & Speakers

A 60-day limited warranty against manufacturer defects is included and takes effect immediately upon purchase. All warranty claims must be accompanied by the original physical or digital receipt, with no exceptions.

Accessories and Peripherals

A 60-day limited warranty against manufacturer defects is included and takes effect immediately upon purchase. All warranty claims must be accompanied by the original physical or digital receipt, with no exceptions.

Cases and Hobby Items

No warranty is provided on items in these categories. Branded cases, such as Otterbox, may be eligible for manufacturer warranty. Please inquire for details.

Screen Protectors

No warranty is provided for items in this category. Branded screen protectors, such as Otterbox, may be eligible for manufacturer warranty. Please inquire for details.

Exclusions from Item Warranty

Our item warranty does NOT cover:

  1. Damage resulting from tampering with the product or other components of the device.

  2. Fraudulent warranty claims or claims made through misrepresentation.

  3. Issues arising from improper operation, installation, or maintenance contrary to manufacturer instructions or common sense.

  4. Damage due to abnormal physical stress, misuse, negligence, or accidents.

Exclusions from Workmanship Warranty

Our workmanship warranty does NOT cover:

  1. Issues caused by service performed by other technicians that affect the item we installed.

  2. Workmanship affected by other abnormal components of the device.

Additional Notes

  • Warranty cannot be extended, even if a replacement is provided.

  • All walk-in warranty claims are subject to availability; advance notification is recommended.

  • Customers are responsible for return shipping costs, and for outgoing shipping if the warranty claim is declined and they wish to retrieve the item.

  • We reserve the right of final explanation.

General Exclusions and Limitations of Liability
In some jurisdictions, manufacturers may change or exclude warranties, conditions, or guarantees implied or imposed by law, and limit liability to consumers. Where legally permissible, and to the fullest extent allowed by law, 3C-Easy Markham:
  1. Limits all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, acceptability, satisfactory quality, or fitness for a particular purpose to the duration of the relevant Warranty Period;
  2. Excludes all other express, statutory, or implied conditions, representations, and warranties, including any implied warranty of non-infringement;
  3. Excludes liability for the loss of or damage to data resulting from the use of a product;
  4. Excludes any liability for loss of revenue, profit, the ability to use third-party products, software, or services, and any indirect, consequential, exemplary, special, incidental, or punitive losses or damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages;
  5. Limits monetary liability to the price paid for the product.
No oral or written information or advice provided by 3C-Easy Markham or its dealers, agents, or affiliates shall create a warranty. This section does not limit 3C-Easy Markham’s liability in cases of death or bodily injury where applicable by law.

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